We Reduce Shipping Costs
Up To 70%

For USA Based
- Medical Suppliers
- E-commerce Brands / Retail Brands
- 3PL Warehouses

Our simple two-step process consistently saves our clientele an average of $30,000,000 per year.

Increasing their bottom-line substantially.

smart negotiations
With a dedicated team of experts, we meticulously navigate through shipping contracts to secure maximum savings for you. Having serviced over 50+ clients, our team possesses an intimate understanding of the intricacies of each contract, enabling us to deliver the desired cost reductions effectively.

With thousands of monthly orders, saving anywhere from $2 to $100 per shipment translates to more money flowing back into your business.

A.I. Shipment Tracking / Flagging Software
Our AI software seamlessly integrates into your business, managing and tracking all shipments. It detects late or mishandled shipments, automating invoice creation for credits or refunds monthly. Say goodbye to manual tracking and invoicing headaches, saving time and costs across thousands of orders.

Results For Our Shipping Clients

These are screenshots from our A.I. software that integrates into your business. You can also see the potential credits/refunds we can apply for, for our clients aswell.

Have Any Questions? Come Speak With Us!

Included with our scheduled call, we will provide you a Free Shipping Savings Estimate!

The Shipping Savings Timeline

Negotiating Your Deal

During the first two weeks, our team will concentrate on thoroughly examining your agreement. This entails scrutinizing for loopholes, conducting price comparisons against our top pricing, and employing various analytical methods.

Implementing A.I. Software

Once we successfully negotiate your deal and secure savings for you, we seamlessly integrate our AI software into your business operations. This enables us to commence tracking and flagging late or mishandled shipments while also automating the creation of invoices.

Cruise Control

Moving forward, our team will conduct monthly check-ins to ensure everything is running smoothly and to stay updated on any regulations or changes affecting your shipping situation. You can simply sit back, relax, and enjoy the additional profits knowing that we've got everything under control.

Frequently asked questions

If your question isn't here. Feel free to ask us anything on a call. Click here.

How Much Does It Cost? 
How Much Does It Cost? 

There are no upfront fees, we simple charge a small performance fee for whatever we save you. That way if we don't save you any money you don't pay.

How Long Does It Take To Start Seeing Email/SMS Revenue?
How Long Does It Take To Set Up?  

It'll take about 30-45 days to start seeing your savings. It can be even faster depending

How Much Can I Expect To Generate?
How Much Can I Expect To Save?  

At the lower end, it could be as much as 20% but we have clients saving up to 70%.

What Does It Look Like Working WIth Mint Avenue?
Where Will We Communicate?  

Once you're onboarded expect to be speaking with our team on calls, via email or text message depending on your liking.

Still have questions?

Don't be shy, come speak with the team at Mint Avenue.

Check Out Some of Our Video Breakdowns

From shipping, emails, to overall business growth. We got goodies everywhere.

19 Minute Video

$3,200,000 from Email/SMS

An in-depth case study looking into one of our premier clients, and how we have grown their backend marketing by over 1000%.